What is #BerkytheMooseProject?
Want to bring the moose to your next Berky reunion? Read on to find out how.
Host the Berky Moose! More information below:
Berky the Moose wants to come visit you and your Berky friends at your next #berkymeetup. Plan a reunion or meetup with 2 or more of your #berkygirls and request #berkythemoose to join you. You and your Berky friends will then be able to take over Berky’s Instagram and post your adventures with the moose. Post instructions and guidelines will be emailed to you or your parents before #BerkytheMoose arrives.
Berky the Moose, a longtime resident of the Berkshire Soccer Academy in East Otis, Massachusetts, finally realized a lifelong dream to leave home and travel the world. He began his journey in 2019 by visiting Berky staff members in Rhode Island for Thanksgiving, and has since decided to meet up with campers at Berky reunions across the country. Follow his adventures on Instagram under the hashtags #berkythetravelingmoose and #berkythemooseproject.
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