Session V with Visiting Pro Coming Soon…

Session V Highlight Video… Coming Soon

Session V Photo Gallery and Daily Updates

Sunday: Soccer Camp Arrival

We welcomed our Session V campers on Sunday morning. Thank you to our Berky Families for making arrival day so smooth! Campers enjoyed playing games on the rec deck with their counselors and new friends to kick off a great week

Opening Campfire

Campers had a fantastic first day at camp, both on and off the fields. In the evening, it was time for the Opening Campfire. Staff members took the stage to share songs, skits, and fun games. The campfire is meant to help campers settle in as they watch the Berky Staff perform. Later in the week, the girls will showcase their cabin skits at the “Hollywood” themed Closing Campfire.

Monday: Starting Soccer Training and Electives

It was a beautiful start to the day. Campers enjoyed a great morning training session followed by electives. Many of our campers enjoyed swimming, paddleboarding and more on Larkum Lake!

Afternoon Soccer Session & Cabin Cup

After lunch, campers headed up to the fields for their soccer session. Today our players focused on defending principles and 1v1, 2v2. Later in the evening, it was time for cabins to compete for the one and only…Cabin Cup (ahhhh! ). This week’s theme was ‘Clue’ where campers work together to solve a murder mystery. Be sure to check out the SmugMug link below for photos of the fun!

Tuesday: Player Development at Berky

Thankfully, the weather held out and it was a beautiful morning. The girls spent their time at the fields training with our coaches before they were off to enjoy their electives.

Berky Tourney

After another round of soccer and electives, it was time for our “World Cup” themed Berky Tourney in the evening. Use the SmugMug link below to check out the action!

Wednesday: Girls Soccer Training and (S’)more

Campers had a great morning having fun at archery, the waterfront, and their other electives before switching gears. The girls spent the morning at an incredible Mental Skills session before working hard with their coaches at soccer.

Closing Campfire

Once afternoon soccer and electives were finished, to close out the evening, campers stepped on stage and performed together at tonight’s ‘Neon Party’ Themed Closing Campfire. Campers and staff alike were treated to skits, songs, and plenty of laughs… And s’mores were on the menu too! Delish!

Thursday: Final Training Sessions & Electives

What a memorable week it has been! Each cabin met for pictures. The campers enjoyed some morning electives and soccer to close out a fun-filled week. Check out all of our group photos using the SmugMug link below.

Soccer Camp Departure

The week has finally drawn to a close. The girls enjoyed their final electives and training session on the fields and soon enough it was time to say goodbyes. We’re sad to say goodbye, but we hope to see all of our campers again soon!

Bridge E

Due to storms in the area, campers spent Friday at a trampoline park and trip to the movies. The weather ended up being great on Saturday for an in-camp day full of Tubing and waterfront time, and extra electives. Bridges are designed to connect sessions and give athletes recovery time after or between sessions to optimize peak performance, avoid overexertion, and bond with other campers. Read more about the development of our bridge program and how it’s helping future athletes succeed.