Session VI 

Session VI Highlight Video

Session VI Photo Gallery and Daily Updates

Sunday: Soccer Camp Arrival

Session VI Arrival Day went great as we welcomed new campers to camp. Our players that stayed through from Session V were excited to welcome new friends. Thank you to all our Berky Families for a smooth arrival day!

Opening Campfire

The campers had a great first soccer session this afternoon. All players took to the fields for warm-ups and small-sided play, showcasing their skills to the Session VI coaches. Later in the evening, it was time for the opening campfire, where the staff shared skits, songs, and played some fun games. The goal of the night was to help the girls relax and show that Berky is a safe space to develop both on and off the field.

Monday: Starting Soccer Training and Electives

It was a beautiful morning and the girls spent their time at the fields training and learning some great skills with our coaches before switching gears for electives.

Cabin Cup

Campers enjoyed their time at electives and afternoon training session before coming together as bunkmates to compete for the one and only…Cabin Cup. (Ahhhh!) This week’s theme, Berky Run, will have campers searching high and low for staff and gold!

Tuesday: Player Development at Berky

Campers enjoyed their morning training session and electives. Some light rain didn’t slow us down!

Berky Tourney

Tuesday afternoon the campers enjoyed a double elective period with some fun added soccer elective options. The campers headed to the fields after dinner to compete in the “Inside Out” Berky Tourney. Check out the action photos below!

Wednesday: Girls Soccer Training and (S’)more

Campers spent their morning up at the fields training before it was time to switch gears and participate in electives. Campers enjoyed waterfront activities, archery, and hanging out on the rec deck.

Closing Campfire

Some more time was spent learning valuable skills from our amazing coaches, before the girls were off to electives. Later in the evening, it was time for campers to step on stage and perform together at tonight’s “Retro Disco Party” themed Closing Campfire. Campers and staff alike were treated to skits, songs, and plenty of laughs… And s’mores were on the menu too! Delish!

Thursday: Final Training Sessions & Electives

Soccer Camp Departure

Bridge F

On Friday, campers went on a Bridge Trip to RambleWild which is a high ropes adventure course. Saturday was a relaxed day at camp including extended waterfront time and electives. Bridges are designed to connect sessions and give athletes recovery time after or between sessions to optimize peak performance, avoid overexertion, and bond with other campers. Read more about the development of our bridge program and how it’s helping future athletes succeed.