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New Berky Waterfront Structure for 2017

The Quarter-pipe: 1/4th the Pipe, 4 Times the Fun

Meet the Quarter-pipe


As we grow, we are always looking to improve the facility and grounds at BSA. Last year, our big addition was the Gaga Arena in the center or camp. This year, our enhancement is at the waterfront. The Quarter-pipe adds climbing and sliding to the BLOB.

Blog Image - Quarterpope - Wibit 2.0

Berky Big 3

Camp activities and facilities are intentionally designed to support our promise to help campers “Discover Their Greatness.” Every camper finds new things with the Berky Big 3:

  • Develop As a Whole Player (Mentally, Technically, Socially)
  • Build Meaningful Relationships with Campers and Staff
  • Have Good, Clean, Healthy Fun

The Berky girls will enjoy creating fun games (fun games) on this new toy. However, they may also simply enjoy hanging-out on the 20-foot of the Quarter-pipe. Aside from climbing and sliding, there will be many other uses that the girls invent.