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Berky Girl Guide: The Whoosh

S'mores, Skits & Select at the Campfire - The Best Girls Soccer Club Camps

You’re Going to Love Berky

We want you to feel at home, even before your 1st day of camp. To get started, look how we say thanks, with our signature “Whoosh”!

A Great Time for a Whoosh

Anytime is a good time for a whoosh but there are a few times and places during a session at Berky where you can expect an invitation to ANY camper or staff member to share some appreciation:

  • Opening Campfire
  • In the Cabin at the end of the night
  • After lunches and Dinner in the Dining Hall (in front of the fireplace is out “stage”)
  • If the media team interviews you
  • Closing Campfire

At the beginning of the week the athletes that are naturally comfortable speaking to a crowd offer the first whooshes. As the week progresses, many girls who have been more reserved “step-up” to share, especially at the closing campfire.