At Berky, we love feedback. That’s why each summer we survey all of our campers, camp parents and staff about their Berky experience. We analyze the feedback, and we respond and improve. Here’s what’s new at Berky for Summer 2023. Every one of these improvements reflects feedback from campers, parents and staff.
Soccer Improvements
1. New Covered Turf Field. Training will continue in even the worst downpour on this new covered pitch. No more 40 minute, rainy day dome trips. In good weather, the new field will provide more training and scrimmage space.
2. Larger Goals. 7’ x 21’ goals on the sides of the upper and lower grass fields will enhance games and training by challenging both goalkeepers and strikers.
3. Smaller Training Groups; More Training Space. Sessions 2-8 will feature an additional master coach. More master coaches means smaller training groups. The additional field space will give each group more room to train.
Cabin and Building Improvements
4. New, More Comfortable Camper Cabins. Two new cabins next to the archery range will be in the same style as the popular and nearby Hamm and Wambach cabins. Last summer’s Hamm & Wambach campers requested seating for the spacious floor, so we’ve purchased comfortable floor seats and bean bag chairs for all four cabins in this area.
5. Expanded Health Center. An expansion to the health center will improve the well being of our entire community by providing more private room space for those who are not feeling well.
Elective and Program Improvements
6. More Elective Time. Campers keep telling us they want more time at electives. You’re getting what you asked for. Campers will now travel directly to electives from soccer, the dining hall or their cabins. No more Rec Deck gatherings before heading to elective. The result… 10 minute longer elective periods. More swim and SUP time, more arrows at archery, more time for art projects.
7. More Elective Choice For Older Campers. The oldest campers will have flexible elective options. Those choosing the waterfront activities will be able to stop by the Lakeside Lounge, the Rec Deck, the Chill Zone and campfire building.
8. More Session Variety. Multi-session and multi-year campers love our traditions. They also like and ask for variety. So we’re adding unique special events and evening activities to certain sessions. The Invitational and Varsity sessions will feature new special events, and campfires will vary from week to week.